Tidal Raves is an independently owned, mid-sized full service restaurant. Opened in 1990, it has consistently advanced its cuisine, services and ambience over the years through professional staff additions and facility improvements. Tidal Raves has shown constant annual growth even during poor economic conditions and is poised to continue this growth by increasing its reach and services. At the core of the success are attention to detail; customer service; consistent quality in all products offered and a professional, involved leadership staff. Its panoramic location has also been a significant factor in its success.
Our customer base includes both the casual traveler as well as a large contingent of loyal local residents. The ability to attract a slightly broader customer demographic and subsequently provide a positive experience ensures an astonishing rate of return visits that spells success for any business. Tidal Raves has proven to be very adept at this in the past and continually prepares to improve upon that record.
Company Website: www.tidalraves.com